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Welcome to TeleCard Docs

Here you will find everything you need to know about TeleCard.

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What is TeleCard About?

TeleCard is a platform that allows you to convert your crypto assets into FIAT and load them onto a VISA or MasterCard completely anonymously. You can then use your card to make purchases in 195 countries while remaining completely anonymous.

TeleCard believes in the right to privacy and the freedom to spend your money without having to provide your personal information.

How we differ?

  • TeleCard is fully decentralized and completely automated.
  • We do not ask and we do not keep any of your personal information
  • All funds are mixed before applied to your account.
  • We have unlimited spend and deposits.
  • Cash back paid back to the card every 30 days.
  • Our fees become lower the more tokens you hold.

Where can I use TeleCard

You can use your TeleCard to make purchases in 195 countries, both online and in physical stores.

You can use the card to pay for

Online Shopping: Enhance privacy and security when buying goods and services online. It helps in preventing personal credit card fraud.

Subscriptions and Trials: Sign up for free trials and subscriptions without the risk of automatic renewal charges after the trial period ends.

Digital Services: Pay for digital services like streaming, online gaming, and software subscriptions where you prefer not to share personal financial information.

Gift Purchases: Buy gifts without revealing your identity or the details of your personal credit card to the recipient or merchant.

Travel Expenses: Book hotels, flights, and rental cars anonymously, which can be particularly useful for personal security or surprise arrangements.

International Purchases: Make purchases from international websites without exposing your primary credit card to foreign transaction risks and fees.

Online Donations: Donate to causes or charities anonymously, ensuring your privacy while supporting others.

Content Creation Support: Support content creators, apps, or websites through donations or subscriptions without disclosing your identity.

VPN Services: Pay for VPN services to maintain online privacy, without linking the payment to your personal or professional identity.

Cryptocurrency Purchases: Some platforms allow the purchase of cryptocurrencies with credit cards anonymously, further enhancing digital transaction privacy.

Privacy-Centric Purchases: Buy privacy-focused products and services, like secure email or messaging services, without tying them back to your real identity.

Budget Management: Use as a budgeting tool to control spending, allocating a fixed amount to the anonymous card.

All that completely anonymously.

How do we achieve anonymity?

By using the latest technology, we are able to provide you with a card that is completely anonymous and secure.

How do I get TeleCard?

Click next to get started.